The National Federation of the Blind of Maryland (NFBMD) is a 501(c)(3) tax exempt organization registered in the State of Maryland. It is an affiliate of the National Federation of the Blind and is governed by an affiliate Board of Directors, which is elected according to the provisions of the affiliate constitution. Maryland also has ten chapters and four divisions, each of them an affiliated entity within the governance of the NFB of Maryland. Each chapter and division operates according to its own constitution and elects a Board of Directors according to that constitution. All chapters and divisions operate as part of the NFB of Maryland.
President: Ronza Othman
First Vice President: Deborah Brown
Second Vice President: Christopher Danielsen
Secretary: Judy Rasmussen
Treasurer: Jenivieve White
Board Members:
Qualik Ford
Sharon Maneki
James Garret Mooney
Melissa Riccobono
Millie Rivera
Marguerite Woods
President: Marguerite Woods
Vice President: Sondra Burchette
Secretary: Danielle Earl
Treasurer: Sharon Maneki
Board Members:
Brawyn Evans
Judy Nelson
President: Latonya Phipps
Vice President: Grady McMahan
Secretary: Paige Trammel
Treasurer: Kevin Cross
Board Members:
Dezman Jackson
Laura Shroyer
Sabrina Washington
President: Matthew Yanuzzi
Vice President: Sharon Maneki
Secretary: Mercy Rao
Treasurer: Alfred Maneki
Board Members:
Will Hendricks
Guy Kelly
President: Heather Guy
Vice President: Tim Meagher
Secretary: Amy Crouse
Treasurer: Virginia Bender
Board Members:
Patty Ann Behr
Gregory Tyler
President: Christopher Danielsen
First Vice President: Tyron Bratcher
Second Vice President: Ellen Ringlein
Secretary: Sherria Young-Smith
Treasurer: Leah Mattern
Board Members:
Karen Anderson
Tracey Hall Hennigan
Edwin Jackson
Justin Young
President: Brian Kessling
Vice President: Derrick Day
Secretary: Gary Legates
Treasurer: Christine Day
Board Members:
Charles Biebl
Laura McLennan
President: Amber Woods
First Vice President: Patricia Peters
Second Vice President: Yvonne Turner
Secretary: Brian Nivens
Treasurer: Angela Woods
Board Members:
Joyce Brooks
Merida Buck
Ava Ferebee
Gregory Martin
President: Deborah Brown
Vice President: Denise Rush
Secretary: Theresa Nettles
Treasurer: Benjamin Danforth
Board Members:
Renee Donalvo Carlson
Michelle Lindsey
Theresa Powers
Janice Toothman
President: Millie Rivera
Vice President: Scott White
Secretary: Ellen Ringlein
Treasurer: Jesse Shirek
Board Members:
Meleah Jensen
Eileen Ley
Jenivieve White
President: Wendy Ruth
Vice President: Robert Morgan
Secretary: Melissa Stott
Treasurer: Cynthia Holden
President: Melba Taylor
First Vice President: Patricia Homan Eitington
Second Vice President: Steven Brand
Secretary: Tassie Thompson
Treasurer: Andre Sconion
Board Members:
Michael Bullis
Michael Gosse
President: Qualik Ford
Vice President: Naudia Graham
Secretary: Melika Aziminia
Treasurer: Sewjen Dhakal
Board Members:
Alysha Levy
Amadi Sullivan
Noah White
President: James Garret Mooney
First Vice President: Teresa Graham
Second Vice President: Christine Day
Secretary: Melissa Sheeder
Treasurer: Stephanie Cascone
Board Members:
Joey "Jamilla" Breiannis
Brittany Bomboy
Monica Rao
Melissa Riccobono
Domonique Sanders
President: Marguerite Woods
Vice President: Aloma Bouma
Secretary: Danielle Earl
Treasurer: Ellen Ringlein
Board Members:
Roxanne Griffin
Barry Hond
Judy Nelson